Family Agreement

  • Benefits of Outdoor Play - We love that Sensory Garden and Play is an immersive outdoor learning program! We encourage our children to explore in all seasons and habitats, including exploration in or near water, ice, snow and mud. We welcome the benefits of children taking risks and encourage messy, active, whole-body sensory play.

  • Handbook & Waivers - We will carefully read and abide by the family handbook and sign waivers to participate.

  • Gear - We will provide essential gear to ensure our child gets the most out of the time spent outdoors.

  • Safety - I will provide accurate information about my child’s health. (allergies, medical conditions, medications, etc.) 

  • Illness - We don’t want staff or other children to get sick. We will keep our child home if she/he is ill with a fever, rash, contagious illness.

  • Respect - We will work together to cultivate trust, respect, gratitude and friendship in our learning community. 

  • Arrival - My child will be prepared with a backpack, water bottle, snack and lunch. My child will come dressed for an immersive outdoor learning. 

  • Pick-up - If my child must go home with another adult, I will provide a note stating permission and the adult will be required to show ID and a picture will be taken of the license plate and license. 


Brands We Use


Understanding the Benefits & Hazards of Outdoor Play and Learning